I have been a RIA (Rich Internet Application ) developer from the last two years, developing applications from small ones i.e for just the sake of it to big ones i.e planning to use a part of it commercially.Some of my data visualization applications are being used in a specific financial firm , localted globally (though i can not divulge the name of the firm as yet).And all this I have done using Adobe Flex (for thoseweb developers who do not know about flex,had I been you, I would've stopped reading this right now and started searching for what Flex is all about), and as far as the not so naive developers are concerned (ppl who know about flex or have had a development experience ) I would like to share my notion of it as the next Java.It is completely going to be the 'thing'.
My expectations were pseudo confirmed when i came to know about AIR 2.0 , AIR is the short for Adobe Integrated Runtime (something analogous to JVM when compared to java), which had extended the capabilities of Flex drastically , by including native command line interactions, microphone data access, socket listening capabilities and hoard of other things which I read about in an article for Adobe MAX.
The moment i came to know about it, I downloaded the nightly build for AIR 2.0 from the Adobe's website, and started using it on my new Flash Builder Beta 2.
Id be soon posting about my first UDP data transfer application using AIR 2.0
So guys, keep checking.